Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can you say "Hostess Gift?"

Good ole Etsy.  So much good stuff!  Check out these great tea towels!  One for every personality...what fun little hostess gifts these would make.  A pretty, unique tea towel wrapped around a jar of homemade jam or a box of scone mix...what hostess wouldn't be delighted?

Plot a Picnic

We know the weather is pretty ugly today in parts of the United States.  We hope wherever you live, you are staying dry, safe, and toasty.  Spring is trying its hardest to get here, isn't it?  We are looking forward to picnics as the sun shines a little later into the day, as the grass is needing to be mowed more often, and as being barefoot becomes a necessary part of being outdoors.  Check out for some great ideas for easy, tasty, healthy picnic food.  

If you are a person who still can't seem to muster up the courage to have a dinner party, try this:
Invite a group of friends for a picnic in the park!  Ask everyone to bring an easy dish to share and blankets to spread out.  Then, claim a picnic table at your local park, set out the food, and enjoy the sunshine.  As the hostess of such an event, bring along some frisbees or a volleyball net and ball.  Or, if you're extra ambitious, plan a fun activity while you're there.  The great thing about a picnic in the park is that there is no worrying about whether you got that last dust bunny out from under your sofa or whether your kitchen is sparkling clean.  Happy planning!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pandora = Effortless Party Music

Okay, folks.  We've been taking it for granted that everyone knew about  Only recently did we discover that Pandora is a well-kept secret.  Well, we have to share.  Especially because those of you who struggle to find a suitable party mix when entertaining will be especially thrilled by this knowledge.  Pandora is a free site where you can custom-tailor "radio stations" to your likes.   Here's how it works:

Go to the site and create a login and password.  (Once you do this, Pandora will save all your "stations.")  Next, create a station.  Do this by typing in the name of your favorite artist or song.  Based on this info, Pandora will create a radio station for you with that artist and other artists who fit that genre.  You can also "add variety" to your station by adding more artists to this mix.  If Pandora ever plays a song you don't like, you just click on the little "thumbs down" icon and that song will never be played again.  This is GENIUS for creating a "radio station" (without commercials!) for parties.  Kari shared this info with one of her teacher friends who likes to play music in the classroom while students are working on projects.  That teacher is ecstatic, because now she has several "radio stations" to pick from that are suitable for use in the classroom.  You can make as many different "stations" as you want, similar to your ipod playlists, but you don't have to do the work AND it's an opportunity to learn about new artists within the genre of music you love.  Try it---you'll like it!

We really, really, really cannot stress how nice this site is for making playlists for entertaining.  Because it's not an ipod playlist, the music won't ever run out, so you will not have to worry about music for the duration of your party.  We love Pandora.  We think you will, too!

Why We Love June Cleaver...

June Cleaver...that faithful housewife from the "Leave it To Beaver" TV series...
She kept an immaculate house, baked the best cookies, always had dinner on the table, was quick with a hug for her boys, always treated her hubby Ward with respect, was dedicated to her church, helped her neighbors out...and she did it in pearls and heels!  My, that June...she sure was something!  (We think that June Cleaver could definitely teach "modern" women a thing or two...)
Even if you haven't yet achieved a June Cleaver level of homekeeping, we love the idea of wearing pearls as a finishing touch to one's outfit, even if you are just running to the grocery store or vacuuming the living room!  :)  Here are some modern takes on pearls, all found on

Friday, March 20, 2009

Sew Glad It's the Weekend...

Wishing you a very happy weekend!  What will you be doing with your weekend?  Unfortunately, both of us are going to be up to our eyeballs in school projects this weekend.  But what we wish we were doing is settling in with one of these fabulous books.  We'd like to pick a project, set up the sewing machine, and have something handmade and fabulous by Sunday!  Alas...

Maybe you'd like to check these books out.  We highly recommend.  The top one is Seams to Me by Anna Maria Horner.  The second is In Stitches by Amy Butler.  The third is Weekend Sewing by Heather Ross.  All three are fantastic for the gal who likes her sewing machine...or the gal who really would like to learn to use a sewing machine!  :)  All three of these books have projects that can easily be started and completed in a weekend.  Imagine the bevy of hostess gifts you could whip up.  Or, get a start on your Christmas gifts (yes, we just said Christmas.  You can never start too early!)  Or, make something cute for your kid's teacher so you can say "thank you" for all their work when the year comes to a close.  Oh, the options are limitless.  So, get out that sewing machine, girls!

Oh, and happy weekend!
---Jill & Kari

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Wreath

Something about this simple, paper wreath makes us smile.  It's very spring-ish and happy.  You can see more at Haru's Etsy shop.  One of the best things about a paper wreath for your front door is that it's NOT awful silk flowers (anyone been in their local Michael's lately?  There are some terrible silk flower wreaths for sale.  Bad, bad, bad.  Consider a paper wreath instead!)

The Hostess with the Mostess

If your family is like ours, everyone seems to gather in the kitchen to help get the holiday meal on the table. If you are the hostess, it is a good idea to have several aprons on hand to loan out for meal prep. SpiceRak Designs has several that we think are especially darling. These make great hostess gifts, too!

Spring Flowers

Here is yet another example of a great centerpiece. No, this isnt our original idea, we snagged it from Martha Stewart. But think how pretty this would be with small bunches of roses, or even carnations! Its also a great way to use that beautiful compote or trifle bowl that you have stashed in the back of your cupboard. Happy spring!

Fabulous Idea...

If you havent figured it out by now, we love vintage. Check out this great idea we saw in the Napa Style catalog: antique silverware sold by the pound! This idea would be very easy to pick up for less at your local garage sales this summer. If you like the look of mismatched, whimsical place settings, grab a couple of your friends, and pick up a few sets of antique or vintage silver at thrift stores and rummage sales. Divide them evenly, and you will all walk away with a unique set of silver for entertaining.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easter Tables

Easter comes at such a lovely time of year, and this is no coincidence!  Spring is a time when new life is readily observed by pushing leaves, budding blossoms, and growth in our yards and gardens.  Easter is a time when we give thanks for the new life given to us by Jesus' death on the cross.  (Yes, that IS why it's tradition to celebrate with Easter Eggs.  The egg is a tangible symbol of new life.  Think about it.)  If you are one of those gracious people who has agreed to host an Easter celebration, you might want to check out Better Homes & Gardens online for some really lovely and really easy ideas for table centerpieces.  The photos above are just a teaser for some of the ideas on the BH&G site.  Isn't the top one with the peony lovely?  So simple, yet so striking.  What we really, really love about the Better Homes & Gardens site is that the projects are all affordable, so if you are on a strict budget (as so many of us are right now), you can still glean ideas and execute them without breaking the bank.  Happy decorating!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Wish...

Folks, it's shaping up to be quite a crazy week for us gals.  School, work, homelife...all great blessings, but all things that can fill up schedules quickly!  Please forgive us if we get a little behind on the blog this week!  We are both trying to squeeze every last second from our jam-packed schedules!  Our occasional daydreams having us dreaming about setting crazy schedules and deadlines aside for a fabulous spring vacation.  Wouldn't a trip to Paris be lovely?  Springtime in can dream...

Or how about Corfu?  The color of that water is mesmerizing...and could inspire quite the vacay wardrobe.  :)  Oh, to be sitting on the beach with toes dipped in that fabulous blue water.  (sigh).

We'd even settle for a less exotic locale...spring in New York City is pretty fabulous!  Have you ever walked through Central Park at the end of spring, before it gets muggy and hot?  It's beautiful.  We're imagining a trip to Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich for pastel cupcakes, followed by shopping in Soho and then drinks at the Plaza.  We can wish, right?
We hope you have a fantastic vacay in your future...if you do, share with us so we can live vicariously through you!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Babs Blog!

March 16 marks the one year birthday of the Babs Blog!  Thank you to all of you who read this silly blog---we appreciate you!  We love hearing from those of you who comment on posts and send up cheery emails.  It has been quite fun getting to know some of you.

We will continue to post on this blog and we hope you continue to check in with us from time to time!  Thank you all, and please have a birthday cupcake today in honor of the Babs Blog's first year!  :)

---Jill & Kari

A Beautiful Easter

Martha Stewart has some beautiful Easter egg ideas.  The photo above is gorgeous, and if your up to it, we'd love to see somebody attempt this!  What really makes a beautiful Easter, though, is not the eggs or the bunnies, but the meaning behind Easter.  Easter is coming up very soon...we hope you are thinking now about who you will celebrate with.  Maybe this is the year that you offer to open your home up for Easter, inviting family, friends, and acquaintances who might not otherwise have a place to celebrate.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Every 7 Seconds...

Today is Global Food Crisis Day.  There have always been hungry people on our planet, but today, more than ever, millions of people on the planet are being afflicted by hunger.  It is estimated that a child dies every 7 seconds due to starvation.   Compassion International is doing something about it, but they need your help.  Compassion International estimates that it costs $13 a day to feed a child for a month and just a little over $150 to feed a child for a year.  How many times do you spend over $13 on one meal in a restaurant?  You can rack up over $13 a week with a Starbucks addiction!  We invite you to join us in supporting this great cause.  First, watch the video below: 
Secondly, go to the Compassion International Site, or Click this button below:

If you need more convincing, read this testimony by a fellow blogger, Musings of a Housewife.  She has some great things to say about why her family gives to Compassion International.  You can also link to some other blogs from her site that tell personal accounts of seeing the hunger crisis up close.  We hope you'll join with us today.  We know times are tight for a lot of your wallets, but $13 to feed a child for an entire month?  That is so worth it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Earning New Respect: Carnations

You've heard us talk about carnations we have had to slowly change our opinion about this flower.  Once considered lowly and cheap, we are now seeing how carnations can be lovely and chic.  InStyle Weddings has these three photos on their site, and we think the very inexpensive carnation is continuing to earn new respect.  Grouped en masse, aren't they lovely?  The top picture especially is a great example of a party centerpiece...we can imagine an entire theme inspired by the elegant simplicity of those white vessels with the plum-colored carnations.  Check out InStyle for more inspiration.

Happy Birthday, Barbie!

Barbie is 50 today!  Her real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, but she goes by Barbie.  (We personally think "Babs" would have been a much better nickname.)  If you are a Barbie fan, do a quick google search and you'll be astounded to learn of the 50th birthday bash Barbie is having.  Where?  In Malibu, of course, in a mansion decked out like the Barbie Malibu Dream House.  Designer Jonathan Adler has spent six months figuring out how to deck the house out in the most "Barbie-like way."  And famed party planner Colin Cowie will be throwing the very pink party.  (Sigh)  She really does have it all, doesn't she?

Sassy Socks...

Um, okay...this is genius!  The Rachel Ray website invites various designers to come up with a monthly centerpiece idea.  This month, Orla Kiely was invited to come up with a centerpiece idea.  (You may remember our recent post on Orla Kiely's new line at Target).   So, Orla Kiely, being the genius that she is, came up with this idea, shown above.  She took fun, colorful socks, stretched them over flower pots, snipped off the bottoms of the socks so the pots sit flat on the table and...ta da!  Cheery cuteness abounds.  We think this is quite clever, and can come in quite useful for baby showers or a child's birthday party.  For the whole how-to, and some other clever centerpiece ideas, check out Rachel Ray's "Centerpiece of the Month."

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Contest For Bloggers!

Pink and Polka Dot, a very fun blog we like to check in with, is holding a fabulous contest for those of you who have your own blogs!  The winner will get a blog re-design by Sweet Faerie Designs.  If you have a blog, you'll want to hop on over to Pink and Polka Dot and enter.  Think of it as winning a new wardrobe for your blog---and who can't use a new wardrobe?

Can't wait to get our hands on...

...a copy of THIS!  The Farm Chicks have penned a cookbook with down home recipes.  Throughout the recipes, they also give tips on how to do little projects to bring style to your home.  Check out Barnes and Noble online for your copy.

Maybe we'll do a cookbook someday.  :)  Or, maybe it will be a tell-all on all the crazy, unscripted things that happen in the midst of trying to entertain flawlessly!  Yes, that would be more like it...but the crazy, unscripted things are what happen in real life, and we think they aren't always so bad.  Besides, "flawless entertaining" can be quite dull in our opinions.  :)  

Happy Birthday...One Day Late!

Yesterday was Babs' birthday.  No, her daughters didn't forget, but we were away from the blog yesterday and didn't get a chance to post on it.  Shame on us.  March 5 is a very special day.  We cannot express how happy we are that our Mom was born.  And we cannot express the joy that comes from having a Mom we can honestly say we love, like, enjoy, miss, and look up to.  We know not everyone has parents they enjoy---we are so blessed!  We chose a pictures of Baskin Robbins icecream instead of a birthday cake, because we know that Babs was probably wishing for 31 flavors on her big day!  :)  (Nobody appreciates icecream more than Mom, and probably now more than ever now that she lives in Liberia and a scoop is harder to come by these days!)

Happy belated birthday, Mom!  We love you and we hope you found a big way to celebrate!
(Oh, and when you get back to California, we are totally stopping at Baskin Robbins on the way home from the airport...whenever that might be!)
Jill & Kari

Host an Easter Brunch

You've heard us chat about the very fabulous entertaining site, Hostess With The Mostess.  True, this site is a great resource for party ideas...but one thing we've grown to love the most about Hostess With The Mostess is the Recipe Box!  The recipes on this site are perfect for parties because they are yummy, eye-pleasing, and actually relatively simple!  Which means you won't have to scour Whole Foods for some crazy, obscure ingredient just to prepare these dishes.  We've picked a few below that we think would be quite delightful for an Easter brunch.
Mini Blueberry Turnovers

Mojito (perfectly fresh for spring!)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

May We Suggest...

...a new, snazzy tablecloth to bring in spring?  If you are looking for an easy, inexpensive way to give your home the feel of spring, there's nothing better than a fresh print used as a tablecloth.  We recommend the fabulous Amy Butler fabric line (just a few of her prints are shown above).  Measure your table and figure out how many yards you'd need to cover it.  Order your fabric, hem it, and throw it on the table for an instant chic update.  This is, of course, also an excellent idea for when you are throwing a party (say, a spring shower?  Excuse the pun...) and you need an inexpensive way to cover tables.  Renting linens can be limiting because there seems to be a lack of fun fabrics at rental places.  Purchasing actual linens can break the bank!  Consider finding a fun fabric---online or at your favorite fabric store---and putting it to use as a tablecloth or table runner.  If you don't sew, it wouldn't cost much to have your drycleaner hem these (yes, did you know that most drycleaners do small sewing jobs?) because the hems are straight and it's the most basic, quick sewing job out there.  Happy spring!

P.S.  If you REALLY want to save $$$, consider looking for fabric remnants on Ebay.  Often, the remnants are just the right size to suit a table, and you'll pay much less!