Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Wish...

Folks, it's shaping up to be quite a crazy week for us gals.  School, work, homelife...all great blessings, but all things that can fill up schedules quickly!  Please forgive us if we get a little behind on the blog this week!  We are both trying to squeeze every last second from our jam-packed schedules!  Our occasional daydreams having us dreaming about setting crazy schedules and deadlines aside for a fabulous spring vacation.  Wouldn't a trip to Paris be lovely?  Springtime in Paris...one can dream...

Or how about Corfu?  The color of that water is mesmerizing...and could inspire quite the vacay wardrobe.  :)  Oh, to be sitting on the beach with toes dipped in that fabulous blue water.  (sigh).

We'd even settle for a less exotic locale...spring in New York City is pretty fabulous!  Have you ever walked through Central Park at the end of spring, before it gets muggy and hot?  It's beautiful.  We're imagining a trip to Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich for pastel cupcakes, followed by shopping in Soho and then drinks at the Plaza.  We can wish, right?
We hope you have a fantastic vacay in your future...if you do, share with us so we can live vicariously through you!

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