Thursday, March 26, 2009

Plot a Picnic

We know the weather is pretty ugly today in parts of the United States.  We hope wherever you live, you are staying dry, safe, and toasty.  Spring is trying its hardest to get here, isn't it?  We are looking forward to picnics as the sun shines a little later into the day, as the grass is needing to be mowed more often, and as being barefoot becomes a necessary part of being outdoors.  Check out for some great ideas for easy, tasty, healthy picnic food.  

If you are a person who still can't seem to muster up the courage to have a dinner party, try this:
Invite a group of friends for a picnic in the park!  Ask everyone to bring an easy dish to share and blankets to spread out.  Then, claim a picnic table at your local park, set out the food, and enjoy the sunshine.  As the hostess of such an event, bring along some frisbees or a volleyball net and ball.  Or, if you're extra ambitious, plan a fun activity while you're there.  The great thing about a picnic in the park is that there is no worrying about whether you got that last dust bunny out from under your sofa or whether your kitchen is sparkling clean.  Happy planning!

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