Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday...One Day Late!

Yesterday was Babs' birthday.  No, her daughters didn't forget, but we were away from the blog yesterday and didn't get a chance to post on it.  Shame on us.  March 5 is a very special day.  We cannot express how happy we are that our Mom was born.  And we cannot express the joy that comes from having a Mom we can honestly say we love, like, enjoy, miss, and look up to.  We know not everyone has parents they enjoy---we are so blessed!  We chose a pictures of Baskin Robbins icecream instead of a birthday cake, because we know that Babs was probably wishing for 31 flavors on her big day!  :)  (Nobody appreciates icecream more than Mom, and probably now more than ever now that she lives in Liberia and a scoop is harder to come by these days!)

Happy belated birthday, Mom!  We love you and we hope you found a big way to celebrate!
(Oh, and when you get back to California, we are totally stopping at Baskin Robbins on the way home from the airport...whenever that might be!)
Jill & Kari

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