Monday, March 2, 2009

Cocktail, anyone?

Oh, that Martha! 
This photo is from Martha Stewart Weddings, but we think it's a clever and festive way to dress a table for your next cocktail party!  Think about it:  at cocktail parties, the men are usually excited about a robust drink and good conversation about the stock market, sports, or current events while the ladies are excited about the fact that they are attending a party.  Make it a memorable event for the gals by dressing up your cocktail buffet with a strong color and florals!  This table uses bright yellow and orange orchids and sets them off with succulents and bunches of grapes.  Very pretty.  And very EASY.  Now, send out those invitations, choose a signature cocktail, and bottoms up!  (But remember:  all things in moderation, dear!)

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