Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Easter Tables

Easter comes at such a lovely time of year, and this is no coincidence!  Spring is a time when new life is readily observed by pushing leaves, budding blossoms, and growth in our yards and gardens.  Easter is a time when we give thanks for the new life given to us by Jesus' death on the cross.  (Yes, that IS why it's tradition to celebrate with Easter Eggs.  The egg is a tangible symbol of new life.  Think about it.)  If you are one of those gracious people who has agreed to host an Easter celebration, you might want to check out Better Homes & Gardens online for some really lovely and really easy ideas for table centerpieces.  The photos above are just a teaser for some of the ideas on the BH&G site.  Isn't the top one with the peony lovely?  So simple, yet so striking.  What we really, really love about the Better Homes & Gardens site is that the projects are all affordable, so if you are on a strict budget (as so many of us are right now), you can still glean ideas and execute them without breaking the bank.  Happy decorating!

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