Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Every 7 Seconds...

Today is Global Food Crisis Day.  There have always been hungry people on our planet, but today, more than ever, millions of people on the planet are being afflicted by hunger.  It is estimated that a child dies every 7 seconds due to starvation.   Compassion International is doing something about it, but they need your help.  Compassion International estimates that it costs $13 a day to feed a child for a month and just a little over $150 to feed a child for a year.  How many times do you spend over $13 on one meal in a restaurant?  You can rack up over $13 a week with a Starbucks addiction!  We invite you to join us in supporting this great cause.  First, watch the video below: 
Secondly, go to the Compassion International Site, or Click this button below:

If you need more convincing, read this testimony by a fellow blogger, Musings of a Housewife.  She has some great things to say about why her family gives to Compassion International.  You can also link to some other blogs from her site that tell personal accounts of seeing the hunger crisis up close.  We hope you'll join with us today.  We know times are tight for a lot of your wallets, but $13 to feed a child for an entire month?  That is so worth it.

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