Monday, March 9, 2009

Sassy Socks...

Um, okay...this is genius!  The Rachel Ray website invites various designers to come up with a monthly centerpiece idea.  This month, Orla Kiely was invited to come up with a centerpiece idea.  (You may remember our recent post on Orla Kiely's new line at Target).   So, Orla Kiely, being the genius that she is, came up with this idea, shown above.  She took fun, colorful socks, stretched them over flower pots, snipped off the bottoms of the socks so the pots sit flat on the table and...ta da!  Cheery cuteness abounds.  We think this is quite clever, and can come in quite useful for baby showers or a child's birthday party.  For the whole how-to, and some other clever centerpiece ideas, check out Rachel Ray's "Centerpiece of the Month."

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