Thursday, July 9, 2009

Girls Who Network...

While browsing the 'net for mingling/networking opportunities for women, one of us stumbled across Girl Power Hour, based out of Seattle.  Um,  j e a l o u s.  So wished we lived in Seattle because this idea rocks.  It's a mingly bunch of ladies who are from a variety of professions who get together once a month at swanky, of-the-moment spots in town to just chat, make a friend, and share a cocktail with other women.  (Okay, their next social is called the Sorbet & Shoe Social...who can deny that this is a great group?!)  What a great way to make business contacts or just make friends?  If you live in Seattle, you might want to check this out, ladies.  If you don't live in the Seattle area (like us), you might want to check out the website to get some ideas as to how you might spearhead a completely amazing and relevant group such as this in your own neck of the woods.  Face it, all of us women probably would like to meet more girlfriends, right?  Even if you feel like you have enough friends (who are you, anyway?!), you can't argue with the idea of being with other great, motivated women like yourself for an hour a month to chat. to think of a way to bring Girl Power Hour to Visalia and Grass Valley...

How about y'all out there?  Anyone have any great ideas how to get women together to network, mingle, etc?  We'd love to hear from you!

P.S.  We are sorry for using the word "totally" in our graphic.  It's a bit sophomoric, isn't it?  Our apologies...

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