Friday, June 11, 2010

The Birdcage Report...

Thanks for the great response regarding the baby shower we posted yesterday! We like getting emails and notes from ya'll----really, we do!
Several of you have asked about the birdcages and the milk glass vessels that we used in this party. The milk glass pieces are all from Kari's personal collection---collected from garage sales, flea markets, and consignment stores. The birdcages came from a variety of sources. See below:

Birdcage sources:
1. Pottery Barn clearance
2. Thrift store
3. Ross
4. Thrift Store
5. All these smaller birdcages came from a clearance at K-Mart! Jill scored 'em there...

The K-Mart cages and the Pottery Barn cage were already gray, which was perfect. We spray painted one of the thrift store cages gray, because it was really ugly. The other thrift store cage (#5) we didn't paint because we loved the patina on it as is. The Ross birdcage was soooooo ugly---we definitely painted that one! :)
All of the milk glass vessels with the flowers were tucked inside the cages after the flowers had been arranged.
Thanks for your questions about this party---if you have any other questions about sources or whatnot, leave us a comment or send us an email!

---Jill & Kari

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