Monday, October 25, 2010

Babs Blog Design Challenge Update

We owe y'all an apology...It should NOT have taken us this long to post about the Babs Blog Design Challenge! We only had five people enter this challenge, but that's okay. That means there's a better chance for each participant to win the $100 in Stella & Dot jewelry! We wanted to give you all a preview of what was turned in---six beautiful ideas in all. Choosing a winner is a difficult task! We will be announcing the winner of the challenge tomorrow. In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment if you have an opinion about who should win. (Only positive comments, please!)

Mary from Room Polish submitted these two beautiful boards:

Lindsey Murray from Ripon, California submitted this amazing color combo:

Lauren Verity from A Fabulous Fete submitted this cheery combo:

Jenn Goforth from Visalia, California submitted this great mix:

Chrissy Kunkel from Exeter, California submitted this exciting combination:
Choosing is such a difficult task! We honestly love each of these combos, and we are so excited that six very different ideas were submitted! Leave a comment if you have an opinion. We will be posting the winner tomorrow. Thanks to our five participants---you gals rock!

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