Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our Fave iPhone App...

We've received a comment and a couple emails asking what kind of camera we used to take the photos used in yesterday's post about our treasure-hunting weekend. Honestly, we didn't use a real camera. We used Kari's iPhone to take all our weekend photos since, true to form, we forgot a camera! If you want to take the same "type" of iPhone photos as we did, you'll need to download a rather nifty app, called Shake It Photo. Shake It Photo costs a buck and is worth it. It simulates an old Polaroid. We like it, though, because it redeems really cruddy photos and neither one of us are great photographers! Here are some shots of very ordinary things with and without Shake It Photo so you can see the difference:

Regular iPhone Camera:

Shake It Photo App Used:

Regular iPhone Camera:

Shake It Photo:

Regular iPhone camera:

Shake It Photo:

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