Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Design Challenge---With a Prize!

Update to yesterday's post on the Design Challenge:
We received a couple questions from readers yesterday, and so the answers are:

1. Yes, you may enter with as many different boards as you want. The winner will be the person with the "board" that wows us the most---the board we just plain like best. Hopefully, it will be a new combo of fabrics we never thought of before!

2. Yep, if you want to include a rug on your board, that's great, too. The idea is to demonstrate which patterns and colors you'd add to the Gray linen and the Archipelago print. Wow us!

3. Yep, you should include the names/sources of whatever is on your board (except the linen and the print we've already supplied for the challenge).

4. Right now, we are planning on one winner, but if it's close, we may add an additional prize. :)

5. The use of the word "board" is misleading. What this means is, send us a jpeg or whatever of your fabric swatches/rug/whatever all together. Kinda like we put those two fabrics together on yesterday's post. It's not rocket science, and it shouldn't take you very long. No, it's not a "real board."

Any other questions? Shoot 'em our way! And if you have a friend who'd be interested in flexing their decorating muscles a bit, tell them about our contest!

Jill & Kari

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