Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Family Farm Fresh

This afternoon, I (Kari) had this lovely bushel of veggies dropped on my doorstep. I recently decided to sign up for fruit and veggie deliveries every other week through Family Farm Fresh, a local provider of fresh produce. I'm a busy person (like most every other woman I know) and a lot of time I do my grocery shopping late at night when the available produce is picked over, so I initially thought Family Farm Fresh deliveries would be a good way to get fresh fruits and veggies into our home. Even more than that, though, I love that my fruit and veggies are being delivered at the peak of freshness from local farms. Being from a family farm, I have always tried to buy American-grown fruits and vegetables and Family Farm Fresh actually taps the very community I live in for their deliveries. I also have them deliver a dozen eggs. Very handy, and very delicious!

Chances are, there is a farm delivery service in your area. Take it from me, having a bushel of fresh fruits and veggies delivered is a welcome treat in the middle of the week!

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