Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Babs!

Today is our mother's birthday. She is the "Babs" that this lil' blog is named after. Not only that, but she is the most beautiful, funny, creative, special, lovely, loving, kind, open-hearted, compassionate, silly, wise, friendly, elegant, Spirit-filled mother we could hope for. Not only do we know this from how she treats us, but we know this also because people use these words to describe her to us often. She is a beloved mom to us and a very special friend to so many others---we are so blessed.

So, Mom, we wish we could be with you on your birthday. We'd throw a fun bash, like one of the parties pictured above. We'd laugh more than is appropriate and not care who was around to hear us. We'd also probably make fun of you---in love---'cause that's what we do. And you'd give it right back to us. :) We hope your Liberian kids gave you lots of hugs for your birthday. Did they make you stand on a chair in the dining hall while they sang to you? :) We hope you had cake---like that Death by Chocolate concoction they have at the Cheesecake Factory.
We love you and miss you.
Happy Birthday!
Your Daughters

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