Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Coming Next Monday...

Our New Year's Resolution looks different this year. Sure, there are the usuals: shed extra pounds, get organized, write more handwritten notes to people, etc. But those aren't just for New Year's...those little mantras are constantly with us! This year, we are going to try something different to kick off January. Beginning on Monday, the two of us are going to participate in the H2O Project and you are invited to join us...

Beginning on Monday, we are going to drink only water. No other beverage, just water. Trust us, it's going to take a little willpower. Both of us love our morning mochas, our Starbucks breaks, a good glass of red wine from time to time...we like a cosmo with the girls and we enjoy the convenience of the soda machine on occasion. But on Monday, it's water only for two weeks. Join us as we take this challenge (come on, it's not really that big of a challenge!) and bring awareness to the need for clean water on every corner of the planet. For two weeks, we'll be saving the money that would have gone to Starbucks or the soda machine and, at the end of those two weeks, we'll be writing checks to Living Water International. Check out the website here for more info.
Info on The H2O Project:

"Help bring water to the world by moving from consumption to contribution.

Every 15 seconds a child dies due to lack of clean water, while as little as $10 can provide one person with a lifetime supply of clean water!

The H2O Project helps educate people about the global water crisis and offers an opportunity to make a tangible difference by providing clean water for communities in developing countries.

Did you know that Americans spend more than $61 billion on soft drinks every year? That’s fifteen times the budget of USAID (United States Agency for International Development).

The Challenge
For two weeks, make water your only beverage. Save the money that you would normally spend on sodas, coffee, and sport drinks for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, contribute the money you saved to Living Water International for the drilling of wells. Churches, youth groups, clubs, and other organizations have all participated in the H2O Project. "

Oh...by the way...if you want to participate with The Babs Blog on this two week project, sign in to our comments section or send us an email. We want to hear how you're doing with this challenge and we'd be happy to point you in the direction of more information. We'll be reminding you all up until Monday and then it's go-time! (If your big New Year's Resolution was to get healthier, this challenge will help you with that, too. It's a two-for-one deal!) :)

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