Friday, January 30, 2009

{pure joy}

Rebecca Thuss = genius.  These pictures are beautiful and inspire us...we wish we had a shower to throw for somebody!  (Seriously...anyone want a shower thrown?  We need someone to get married or have a baby or something.  We need a party!)  We could plan a cozy, intimate party with 7 people or a shin-dig with 400 folks just based on these photos alone.  What a great starting point for inspiration.  It's her color combinations (we love these colors) and her obsession with paper (did we mention we, too,  are very much obsessed with paper?) that get our minds working...

A few of you have emailed us to tell us that our little ole' blog here is inspiring you to be creative and a couple of you have asked us to give more wedding tips.  We aren't a wedding blog persay, but since weddings happen to fall under Babs' repertoire (the real Babs has quite the wedding planning/helping/rescuing resume!), we will oblige you.  Look for some fun wedding ideas, tips, and overall inspiration to come in the next few months (sprinkled in, of course, with other entertaining goodies and overall smile-worthy subjects).  Maybe, maybe, maybe...we'll even share some details from the three special "Veneman family" weddings that took place in Babs' yard...)

Until then, please check out Rebecca Thuss' website for some inspirational gems.  :)  Her site is truly a feast for the eyes!

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