Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dear Spring, We Miss You...

We miss spring. Thankfully, living in California affords us an earlier spring than most. As a matter of fact, today the sun is shining and little buds on trees are already pushing here and there. But still, nights are cold, it's foggy, it's still not completely spring. We've told you that entertaining is a great way to beat the winter doldrums. But did you know that recent studies have shown that fresh flowers actually improve moods? We could've guessed this on our own as we grew up in a house that frequently had fresh flowers and, yes, beautiful flowers in a vase seem to elevate a room. Our mom, Babs, is an avid gardener. Her yard has always been full of pretty things to bring inside: heirloom roses, lilacs, citrus blossoms, etc. But not all of us have a garden that looks like it should be on the pages of Martha Stewart's garden issue! So...the grocery store to the rescue! Check out the two photos above. The top pink roses are a grocery store special and they do a great job of bringing a little "spring" into the room. The bottom photo is a random mix of white roses, white tulips, and yellow tulips. Again, grocery store finds. If you need a little lift while waiting for spring to show up, try fresh flowers! You don't even need big bouquets; buy one bunch at the grocery store and divide it into several mini bouquets so you can place flowers on your bedside table, on your bathroom vanity, on the kitchen window ledge (to cheer you up when you're doing dishes!), etc. (Put flowers on your grocery list, and you won't forget next time you head to the market!)

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