Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The H2O Challenge...

Sorry about the delay in posts! It's been a busy start to the week. Jill went back to school this week (and she's still keeping her full-time job!), so she's been busy. Kari's been enjoying her break before school starts next week, so she hasn't been too great about sitting in front of the computer (because starting next week, she'll have a semester full of being tied to the computer!)

We have, however, started the H2O Challenge (see former post for more info). Kari fell off the wagon last night, though, as she had a dinner party and forgot about the H2O Challenge long enough to enjoy a great glass of red with, she'll be adding on an extra day to her two-week commitment! We are already seeing the dollars and cents add up as we shun our Starbucks habits! It will be a great joy to mail Living Water International our checks at the end of two weeks!

We are wondering how many of you have joined us in this two-week project. If you've taken the H2O Challenge, will you email us or leave a post to let us know? And, good luck to you! You are making a difference!

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