Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dinner Club

A few posts back, we told you about Kari's friend Linda, and her great idea to start a Dinner Club for a group of ladies. Well, last night was Kari's turn to host Dinner Club. First of all, you must know that Kari is very comfortable with setting a pretty table, whipping up an eye-pleasing, yummy appetizer spread, or even coordinating an involved, formal event for 400 people. What she is NOT comfortable with is making dinner with courses for guests. See, formal dinner parties rely on timing so that the courses line up right, the food is neither undercooked or overdone, etc. Kari would rather make the table look pretty than worry about the timing of the courses. Yet, she would be a bad Babs Blogger if she shunned an opportunity to be a hostess! So, Kari had Dinner Club at her house. And you know what? The food was fine. No, it's not likely that Kari will be asked to cater for the upcoming presidential inauguration, but everything turned out okay. And you know what else? Kari was reminded yet again that entertaining is never really about the food or a pretty table. It's about the people! Kari's guests were gracious and kind and the ladies had a lovely time laughing together and forging some new friendships. Here at the Babs Blog, we do hope that you won't let a little insecurity about timing dinner courses or messing up dessert keep you from having people in your home. Seriously, there is something so beautiful about having a group of people over in your home for hospitality and laughter. It can't be duplicated at a restaurant. It's amazing to sit, share a meal (or just cocktails and appetizers!), and share your life with other people. If you haven't done this in a long time or, perhaps, ever, it's time to find out what you've been missing out on. Building relationships is something we all need more of!

A big thank you to Michelle, Tammi, and Linda for being so very gracious as Kari bumbled along, getting the food on the table. :) Here are some details from the evening:

First of all, a simple table was set. The color scheme was inspired by the fact that Whole Foods had these beautiful pink tulips for sale. In these dreary winter months, who can resist pink tulips?

Pink accent napkins were chosen to match the tulips. Everything else was kept simple: cream and black accents.

Mini gratins in miniature Le Creuset casseroles---because everything looks yummy when it's in miniature! :)

Vanilla bean icecream and raspberries in chocolate cups. (The chocolate cups were purchased at Sur la table)

Okay, ladies...who will you invite over? When will you start your Dinner Club? Time to set a date for a dinner party and invite some women who you know you need to know better!

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