Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Host an Accessory Exchange!

Okay, dreary weather. Time to combat you with something fun and girlie...something totally not depressing and bleak...

For those of you who haven't been convinced to hold some kind of happy gathering during the month of January, here's another idea we're throwing your way. This one is fun and it will appeal to most of the females in your life...
Hold an Accessory Exchange! Choose a night to have your little party, print up cute invitations, send them to the stylish gals in your life, and prepare to have a good time! Have everyone bring an accessory (bracelet, necklace, ring, whatever) and set a price limit. (Times are tough...so tell everyone to keep it under $10.00 or make it clear that they can bring a gently used item that is still in good condition). Have your guests wrap the accessory in a fun way (seeing how women wrap their gifts is sometimes half the fun!). Then, on the evening of your shindig, when everyone has arrived and has a fabulous girlie drink in hand (think something pink---like 3/4 champagne and 1/4 sparkling pomegranate juice in a champagne flute), pick numbers out of a hat and let your guests select a gift from the pile. You can do this however you like---you can make it okay to "steal" the accessories once they've been opened, or you can purely pick numbers and call it good. Make it clear that trading is fine once the game is over---that way people with different tastes have a shot at trading for something they like better.

The jewelry is a fun excuse to get together, but really, the point of the evening is to get the girls together for a giggle and a night out. If you are concerned about people having to go out and buy something for under $10, you can decide to make it a rule that the accessory has to be something used from each person's jewelry box. Also, you'll want to make it clear that this is a costume jewelry exchange...so leave the Tiffany boxes at home. :)

Target is a great place to buy a piece of jewelry for under $10. Or, check out Ebay for something vintage! OR...check out Etsy, for something handmade and utterly fabulous...

In honor of the "accessory exchange" idea, check out one our favorite artists on Etsy.com.
Luxe Deluxe has so many beautiful, vintage-styled pieces...you'll be drooling in no time! Here's a sampling (for more, go to Luxe Deluxe's site!):

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