Monday, October 27, 2008

Election Madness...

Whether you vote through absentee ballot or at a poll, remember to vote! Some states are allowing early voting or, if you're like some of us, you've already sent in your mail ballot. Regardless, it's an important election and you forfeit the right to voice your opinion about the state of affairs if you don't vote!

Speaking of voting, you might want to consider an Election Day Party to celebrate the end of the campaigning! You can gather the fun party items above for your Election Day Party from It's up to you how you want to handle the Election Day festivities. You might only invite those that are from your party or you might decide to mix Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike. The most important thing for an Election Day Party is to have the TV on with election coverage and provide plenty of drinks and food. That way, even if the voting doesn't seem to be going your guests' way, you can still send people home full and somewhat happy.

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