Monday, October 20, 2008

Halloween Party Idea

Alas, sometimes the best-laid plans just don't materialize. The above invitation was created for a potential Halloween cocktail party that one of us was planning on throwing (with lots of help from the husband!) We were anticipating the end of our lengthy home remodel and we were going to celebrate with a little seasonal revelry. However, our renovations won't be completed in time and some other commitments came up, making the party a non-event. So...we thought we'd at least post our invitation idea so maybe some of you who are thinking of throwing a last-minute Halloween bash will be inspired! Ours was to be a theme party, but you could easily just do "Cocktails and Costumes" without any specifications. If any of you throw a great party, we want to hear about what made it a success! Happy Halloween!
P.S. You can click on either invitation picture to see it enlarged.

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