Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stop By For a Spot o' Tea?

When we were kids, Mom (the real Babs!) would make this fabulous spiced tea mix. It had Tang in it and it was yummy, yummy, yummy. A big batch would last us through the winter and we would often take it along on family camping trips for when we needed something hot to sip by the campfire. It was also a great "gift tea"---put into mason jars with a cute lid cover, it made a really festive and sweet gift for Sunday School teachers or friendly neighbors. Whenever fall rolls around, it always seems like it's time for a nice hot mug of the Tang Tea. has the Tang Tea recipe! We recommend that you check it out and make a batch to get you through the upcoming chilly months. (Another great thing about Tang Tea: it's inexpensive to make and a batch is quite plentiful!)

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