Monday, October 20, 2008

Williams-Sonoma to the rescue!

With holiday dinners right around the corner, many of you are making plans for family get-togethers and open houses. With all the planning that goes into a guest list, menu, seating, etc., oftentimes the harried hostess leaves the pretty little details until last...and then, because of a busy schedule or a failed menu item, the pretty little details just don't get accomplished. If you want a couple simple ideas to dress up your party, head over to the Williams-Sonoma site. You can check out chic place marker ideas and seasonal centerpiece ideas that are simple and can be planned well ahead of your party (before things get too crazy!) Williams-Sonoma has a whole section on "setting the scene", so you just have to poach a few of their ideas and apply them to your table. So simple, yet so chic!

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