Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Have a Lovely Weekend!

We'll be back on Monday with more Babs Blog goodness...but we are signing off tonight for a long weekend. One of us will be finishing her bathroom renovation this weekend and the other will be jetting off to New York City for the weekend. Both of us will be taking a little Babs Blog Break as we will be away from our computers. We wish you all a beautiful fall weekend. If you are hosting a Halloween shindig, we hope you'll take photos and send them our way so we can pass your brilliant hostessing ideas on to others. If you are simply taking the kids out for some trick-or-treating, we hope you have a safe weekend with lots of beautiful family memories. Above all, remember to enjoy the people you spend the weekend with---that's one of the biggest lessons we've learned from Babs. :)

'til Monday,
Jill and Kari

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