Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pottery Barn...Uh oh....

The new Pottery Barn catalog just arrived in the mail---Uh oh, time to hold on to the wallet and resist the urge to spend. Do you ever notice how Pottery Barn just has fun decorating ideas, even if you aren't okay with spending $20 on an ornament that Target sells for $5? Pottery Barn is full of great decorating ideas, especially with exciting holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching! That got us thinking...we bet that Pottery Barn isn't the only one with good ideas.

We are willing to bet that a lot of you Babs Blog readers have really fabulous entertaining ideas for the holidays, so...please share! Yep, email us at thebabsblog@gmail.com and let us know what your favorite holiday idea is. Maybe it's a recipe, an idea for decor, a tradition, or a party idea. Whatever it is, we want to hear it. We'll be posting our favorites on The Babs Blog in weeks to come, so make sure you add your name. If you have a digital photo of your idea, that's even better---so make sure you email that to us, too. Oh, and if you have a blog of your own, include that, too, so we can share that with others. We are so excited to hear from you and to see the pages of The Babs Blog come alive with real ideas from our readers!

(Pssst! The Babs Blog is growing...we have readers now in several states and several countries! That's right, The Babs Blog is being read in Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Liberia! How exciting!)

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